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Meet Your Councillors

Mayor Richard Sewter

Ph. 0407687914

Email. richard.sewter@mornington.qld.gov.au


*Biography coming soon

Vacant | By-election underway




Councillor Renee Wilson


Email. renee.wilson@mornington.qld.gov.au


Councillor Farrah Linden


Email. farrah.linden@mornington.qld.gov.au


Deputy Mayor Bobby Thompson

Ph. 0407619728

Email. cr.thompson@mornington.qld.gov.au


The Role of the Council

*This page will be updated in early April to reflect the declarations by the Electoral Commissioner in relation to the recent Local Government Elections.

The fundamental role of each councilor is to represent the current and future interests of the residents of Mornington Shire local government area.

All councilors, including the mayor, have the same responsibilities, but the mayor has some additional responsibilities (section 12, LGA). The  responsibilities of councilors include:

  • ensuring the local government discharges its responsibilities under the LGA, achieves its corporate plan, and complies with all applicable laws
  • providing high-quality leadership to the local government and the community
  • participating in local government meetings, policy development, and decision making for the benefit of the local government area
  • being accountable to the community for the local government’s performance.

All councilors, including the mayor, have the same responsibilities, but the mayor has some additional responsibilities (section 12, LGA). The  responsibilities of councilors include:

  • ensuring the local government discharges its responsibilities under the LGA, achieves its corporate plan, and complies with all applicable laws
  • providing high-quality leadership to the local government and the community
  • participating in local government meetings, policy development, and decision making for the benefit of the local government area
  • being accountable to the community for the local government’s performance.

The Role of the Mayor

In addition to the responsibilities of all councilors, the mayor has responsibilities of:

  • leading and managing meetings as chairperson, including managing the conduct of participants at the meetings
  • leading, managing, and providing strategic direction to the CEO to achieve the high-quality administration of the local government
  • directing the CEO in accordance with a resolution, or a document adopted by resolution, of the local government
  • conducting a performance appraisal of the CEO at least annually, in the way decided by the local government
  • ensuring the Minister promptly receives requested information from the local government
  • being a member of each local government standing committee
  • representing the local government at ceremonial or civic events.

You can read more about the Council’s role and their responsibilities under the Local Government Act (2009)

Contact Us

For more information on our Council structure or to find out about employment opportunities please contact us.