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Barney Charles and Larry Gavenor Airport

Cemetery Road, Gununa, QLD 4871

The Mornington Island Airport, known as the Barney Charles and Larry Gavenor Airport, is owned and operated by Mornington Shire Council and is located in the Gununa township. The airport caters primarily to commercial and charter light aircraft, emergency services and helicopters.

Fuel Facilities

Please take notice that there are no refueling operations on the island.

Aircraft Landing and other fees

Refer to Council Schedule of Fees and Charges.

Council’s Airport Reporting Officer directions must be followed at all times.

Locals Fares

The Queensland Government’s Local Fare Scheme is an airfare subsidy that aims to improve the standard of living of local residents in regional and remote Queensland communities by making air travel to neighbouring communities more affordable.

For more information and to find out if you qualify, visit our Local Fares page:

Contact Us

For more information regarding commercial flights to the island contact us today:

Rex Agent
Address: Birri Road, Gununa (after airport runway)
Phone: 07 4745 7251