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Disaster Management


Disaster management on Mornington Island

The Mornington Shire Council Local Disaster Management Group works to reduce the negative impact disasters can have on our region and responds to disasters when they happen.

Specific LDMG Sub-Working Groups may be called together to reduce the effects of a disaster as they occur – such as the case for COVID-19 pandemic. When a disaster or major emergency happens, they then respond quickly to and ensure communities can recover.

Mornington Shire Council LDMG works closely with stage and federal agencies during times of disaster to ensure effective and efficient protocols are in place. Council, through the LDMG, retains primary responsibility for managing disaster events contained within the local government area.

Local Disaster Management Plan

The Local Disaster Management Plan sets out the legislated arrangements required under the Queensland Disaster Management Act 2003.

The plan outlines the disaster management system and specifies agreed roles and responsibilities. It also describes how the disaster management system works during an event.

Council’s current LDMG is made up of the following members:

LDMG Members
Mornington Shire Council Mayor
Mornington Shire Council Deputy Mayor
Mornington Shire Council CEO & Executive Managers
Queensland Police
Queensland Fire & Emergency Services
Gununamanda Store
Mornington Island State School
Queensland Ambulance
Queensland Ambulance

Weather, Tides & Cyclones

Check out the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) page for information on current weather warnings and tides – http://www.bom.gov.au/


Mornington Shire region and the Gulf of Carpentaria in general is prone to cyclones, and preparation for seasonal factors are discussed at regular whole-of-community Emergency Management meetings.


Pre cyclone season clean-ups occur each year, with the whole community coming together to safely dispose of large items that may become dangerous in strong winds and storm such as tyres, car parts, building materials and old furniture & appliances.